black and gray microphone on black stand


Adi and his team custom-design every keynote, dedicating hours of preparation to curate the most impactful content for your group, event, and goals. His talks are never generic or repeated.

You've brought in speakers and leadership consultants before. Your group learned some theory and agreed that things could be better, but little changed.
man standing in front of group of men
man standing in front of group of men
  • 40% of speakers fail to engage their audience.

  • 30% provide content irrelevant to the audiences.

  • Only 50% of organizers are satisfied with the level of program customization they received.

  • 35% of speakers and trainers confuse audiences with unclear communication and excessive jargon.

  • 60% of speakers fail to provide clear logistical communication and a seamless, hassle-free experience.

If professional programs aren't helping you level up, they're holding you back.

Did you know? The #1 Complaint about professional development programs is boredom!


Adi fuses masterful storytelling, dynamic expertise, and contagious enthusiasm to deliver impact-obsessed, authentically engaging, and custom-designed presentations that:

We work with you to understand your group's unique challenges, opportunities, and dynamics, then curate a program that fulfills your objectives and exceeds your expectations.


Whether searching for solutions, chasing audacious goals, or facing challenges, the participants will find clarity in the face of uncertainty, crush obstacles, and drive breakthrough results.


Participants are turbocharged with confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation to engage in spirited, inclusive collaboration, build a powerful momentum, and pursue shared success.


Participants gain focused, practical, relevant insights and tools––and specific "next steps"––to take immediate, passionate, and sustainable action.


Participants will engage old questions in new ways, leveraging out-of-the-box thinking, innovation, and simplicity to tackle big goals and challenges in unconventional yet deeply relatable ways.


Participants go on a collaborative, inspiring journey, empowered to contribute freely and connect authentically. Discussions are animated, inclusive, and focused. They stay involved, open, and curious to learn more.

a man riding a snowboard down a snow covered slope

Hiring a speaker is more than just filling a slot—you have a message to convey, a specific outcome to achieve, a point to drive home, and values and strategies to advance. For that, you need Adi.

With Adi, you get way more than a keynote. You get the Follow Up, Level Up system, which includes pre- and post-event assessments, coaching, and ongoing follow-ups to ensure your goals are met and the momentum is kept alive.

Adi doesn’t just show up; he becomes part of your team, fully invested in your success.

Your goals become his goals.

He leverages his deep expertise to understand what you need, what you hope to achieve, the challenges you’re facing, and the nuances of your audience. He then connects, builds trust, and amplifies your message with his unique insights, ensuring it sticks, resonates, and inspires action.

And it doesn’t end there. Adi follows up to make sure the message is not just heard but retained and acted upon, ensuring the impact lasts well beyond the event.

Experience the unparalleled difference with Adi’s Follow Up, Level Up system. Book him now and watch your team soar!


What we experienced with Adi today was absolutely incredible! His communication and presentation skills are stellar, his energy intoxicating, his intuition on-point, and his ability to see problems, lay them out in ways we didn’t consider before, and then find solutions for them is truly amazing.

In my opinion, Adi adds tremendous value to any individual or team that interacts with him as he is remarkably effective. I look forward to having more opportunities for my team and I to interact with Adi in the near future and regularly.

–– Farhad Parhami, Ph.D., M.B.A.

President and CEO @ MAX BioPharma Inc.

”Adi is a dynamic speaker and a master storyteller."

–– Courtney Young

President @ American Library Association

”Adi's workshop for our managers was exactly what the team needed. It was very valuable. We asked him right away to come back for our all-staff retreat two months later.”

–– Kevin Ferrone

Global VP @ IvyGate International

I had the pleasure of working with Adi and participating in his executive workshop during my tenure at a commercial real estate company. Adi's genuine care and interest in his clients' success is what seems to deliver the results people are looking for. Adi's approach towards seizing life and delivering results through optimism and humility is something that is desperately needed in today's corporate post-Covid culture. Leaders and employees will learn a skillset rooted in soft skills and empathy to collaborate and innovate new business solutions. I believe that hiring Adi is a great business decision!

–– Derek Sobieraj

Real Estate Investment @ ARC Properties

Adi's presentation style and content were spot on - engaging the audience members, many of whom stayed after the presentation to ask more questions that could not have been covered in the time allotted. Adi's engaging personality, authentic and personal story of overcoming, and genuine interest resonated with the audience and made me proud to have affiliated with him in this capacity. I would certainly recommend him as a speaker.

–– Trevor A. Dawes

Vice Provost @ University of Deleware

Leave mediocre, uninspired, and ineffective programs behind.

Ignite a fire in your team to level up with our focused, one-of-a-kind, game-changing keynotes.


  • Distinct Origins, Common Path

  • Entreployment™

  • FInd Calmness in the Midst of Chaos