Who is coaching for?

Two different types of people. 1) People who want to change something but need help figuring out how to go about it most effectively; and 2) People who want to see just how far they can go and want someone to help them get there.

When we say "people," we mean individuals and organizations alike.

How long should I have a coach?

It depends as every situation is different. The industry standard is 6-12 months with 73% of coaching programs lasting a year or less.

At Level Up, 76.5% of our clients engage us for at least 12 months or longer, because they quickly see that our top-level coaching means top-level results for them. They trust us to keep leveling them up, and the return on investment is phenomenal, too.

We are so confident in our craft that we recommend clients start with 12 60-minute sessions and build from there, though a longer commitment is usually more beneficial. Clients see results within a few sessions and 95.8% of them come back for more.

How do I get started?

Book your 15-minute complimentary discovery call here. The first step is the hardest, so let's go!

Does coaching really work?

Our coaching does –– with a 99.3% success rate and over 95.8% repeat clients!

What can coaching help with?

Anything from helping you feel more confident and motivated to getting a new job, improving communication, and achieving breakthrough results with your team.

You may be like the majority of our clients, who have a specific goal in mind but then learn so much about themselves and achieve far beyond the original scope with remarkable outcomes.

You may not be sure where to start, and that's OK, too! We'll help you gain clarity and guide you on what areas to focus on, just like we've done for countless others.

What's the process like?
  • Step 1: Start with a no-risk 15-min complimentary discovery call, during which we will learn about each other, determine 1-3 areas to focus on, define outcomes, and determine the next steps.

  • Step 2: Select a Coaching Package that suits your needs, breeze through the paperwork, make a payment easily, and schedule our first session. All of this is designed to make your journey as smooth as possible.

  • Step 3: Considering the scope of our work and your goals, we will swiftly move to drive tangible results for you.

  • Step 4: You start having "aha" moments, insights, and breakthroughs. We co-create and build a momentum.

  • Step 5: Results! Depending on your goals, things will start happening for you within weeks.

  • Step 6: Rinse and repeat. 95.8% of our clients continue working with us or come back later.