Engaged teams deliver 23% higher profits and 43% less turnover.

Yet – only 30% of teams feel engaged.

FACT: In 2024, employee wellbeing and engagement are not only an HR issue but a bottom-line issue.
  • Disengaged employees cost employers an additional $3,400 for every $10,000 salary.

  • 70% of employees are not engaged. 16% are actively disengaged.

  • 50% of workers report feeling stressed daily, 41% are worried, 22% are sad, and 18% are angry.

  • 59% are ‘quiet-quitting’ or doing the bare minimum.

  • 1 in 3 leave due to boredom.

  • 69% feel they lack opportunities to learn and grow.

BOTTOM LINE: Engaged organizations have exponentially better outcomes.
If you want more engagement + better outcomes, find out what the Level Up Experience can do for you. ⬇️
DID YOU KNOW? 32% of organizations consider a lack of engagement the biggest barrier to success because:



Engaged employees are 31% more productive and efficient.


Learning and development keep 80% of workers engaged, driving innovation and breakthroughs.


Businesses with engaged employees experience 81% less absenteeism.


Engaged teams are invested and voluntarily take ownership of achieving shared goals.


Engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave.


Engaged teams experience 66% higher wellbeing and are 3.8x less likely to be stressed.

By partnering with us to ignite a fire within your team, you will experience:


"Our campus morale has never been higher. Adi's coaching helped us navigate through tough challenges and emerge stronger. It's 100% true what he promises about helping you see underlying issues you didn't realize were the actual problems and then expertly guiding you to resolve them confidently and innovatively. He also really cares about seeing your progress. Our people felt that, and it made them more open and receptive.

–– College President

"Adi's program dramatically increased our employee engagement. We initially hesitated due to budget concerns, but the boost in productivity and focus made it a wise investment. We now have a budget line item to bring Adi in to help us tackle other challenges and fuel our fire regularly!"

–– Founder, SaaS Company


"After spending an inordinate amount of time and effort trying to retain our employees and "hire better" ourselves, we finally broke down and engaged Level Up. We've seen a terrific improvement in employee retention since implementing their recommendations. When we hired Adi, we had almost 70% annual turnover. A year in, and it looks like we are down to less than 50%. We are so pleased! The long-term savings on recruitment and training exponentially outweigh the initial costs."

"Our team's well-being and job satisfaction have improved markedly. Adi's strategies effectively and systemically addressed our challenges with burnout and stress. We had reached a precarious point and needed someone who could relate and not preach but was unique enough to make it interesting and drive impact quickly. Adi delivered that and more. The difference was palpable. We look forward to engaging him again later this year."

–– VP, Human Resources at Healthcare Organization


–– General Manager at Big Box Retailer

Leave mediocre, limiting, and exhausting behind.

Ignite a fire within you and level up with our expert, one-of-a-kind, game-changing coaching.