2 person sitting on beach sand during daytime


Experience connection, understanding, and uncompromising bond.

Does this sound like you?
two person holding papercut heart
two person holding papercut heart
  • We fight all the time and can't agree on anything.

  • The spark is gone and I don't know what to do.

  • I keep dating the wrong people.

  • We are on a verge of a break up/divorce and don’t know how to fix it.

  • Are they the one? Should I propose/marry my partner?

  • I am curious about exploring my sexuality and/or sexual identity but I am anxious about it.

  • I struggle with my sexual identity and getting my family and friends to accept me as I am.

  • I struggle to find quality romantic/platonic connections.

If so, you've come to the right place!
FACT: We often sabotage our own relationships, form connections with people who are wrong for us, and sacrifice our needs to say we have someone.
There's a better, scientifically proven way. ⬇️

By working with us, you will:
  • Decrease your anxiety, doubts, and stress.

  • Increase your confidence, intimacy, and love.

  • Feel appreciated, understood, and supported.

  • Disrupt the spell of shitty relationships.

  • Repair old and build new empowering relationships.

  • Improve your communication so you can express yourself fully, engage more effectively, and connect deeply.

  • Let go of resentment, misunderstandings, and contempt.

  • Gain more clarity on who you are, how you show up in your relationships, what you need to feel fulfilled, and how to get it.

  • Heal and transform past hurts into building blocks of your future.

  • Embrace who you truly are and live your life unapologetically.


”My husband and I had a lot of issues, resentment, and arguments, but before calling it quits, we decided to try one last thing and work with Adi since he was so different. Adi is caring and candid and will not let you live in a fantasy land. Instead, he will confidently guide you in figuring things out.

We worked through so many issues we did not realize we had, and we saw results within weeks of focused coaching. Then, we made a mistake. It seemed expensive, so we ignored Adi's advice to keep working with him, but things quickly started unraveling. Thankfully, we returned to it and are still married, closer than ever, and have a wonderful life thanks to Adi."

– Trish, 42

”I left my 30-year-long loveless marriage, and I was a mess. Someone introduced me to Adi, and my first thought was, "What the hell does this kid know?!"

Turns out––A LOT!

Right away Adi acknowledged my doubts about him and reassured me in a meaningful way, then shockingly quickly opened my eyes to his expertise. 18 months later, I was healed, dating a wonderful man and building my business. And for the FIRST TIME in my life, I could be truly myself and live my life how I wanted without guilt, anxiety, shame, or criticism.

What makes Adi exceptionally effective is that he doesn't look at you through a single angle of your relationship struggles or even the stories you tell but connects the dots and helps you figure things out in a comprehensive way. That scares some people but is actually incredibly disarming, clever, and effective.

Adi is incredible! I will never again judge the book by its cover.

–– Michelle, 61


”I spent years going from one toxic relationship to the next, having zero idea why. And if, by some miracle, a healthy relationship prospect showed up, I'd be so bored and uninterested.

I felt ashamed and embarrassed even talking about it, but working with Adi changed things for me.

Like Adi, I was in a relationship with a sociopath for years, too. Adi talks openly about it. When someone tells you that, and you see them healed, you gotta trust them. I did, and now I have an amazing boyfriend. Meanwhile, I was blown by how and why I was stuck in that cycle. It's nothing I learned in school and you can't really figure it out unless someone is guiding you through it. But if you want to figure it out, Adi is your person.

–– Nick, 45


”I was once a shy, insecure, and awkward nerd who'd panic when walking into a bar. My uncle, who had also worked with Adi, hired him for me and said, "Trust me."

I didn't!

"It's easy for Adi to be confident––he's smart and good-looking with a sexy accent. That's not me!"

Fortunately, Adi is a lot more than that. He's also incredibly wise and persistent and wouldn't let me off the hook.

Fast-forward to today. My palms are no longer sweating before asking someone out, and I keep teaching my friends how to approach and talk to people.

My favorite part is when they ask me how I became so confident. It's a confidence potion called "Adi!"

–– Sean, 29


Leave mediocre, limiting, and uninspired behind.

Ignite a fire within you and level up with our expert, one-of-a-kind, life-altering coaching.